Just in: Senate approves death sentence for kidnappers

Just in: Senate approves death sentence for kidnappers

– Senate believe the new law will curb kidnapping in Nigeria
– The senators believe there should be training and retraining of security
The Senate on Wednesday, May 4, resolved to enact a law prescribing death penalty for kidnappers to serve as deterrent and curb kidnapping in Nigeria.
This followed the adoption of recommendations of the report of by the Joint Committee on Police Affairs, National Security and Intelligence on the ‘unfortunate reoccurrence of kidnapping and hostage taking’. Although the report had only six recommendations, most of the senators sued for stringent punishment to serve as deterrent which prompted the addition and adoption of the recommendation for death penalty.

The additional recommendation for capital punishment was proposed by Senator Adamu Alliero and adopted by the Senate.
The Senate also adopted the recommendation that the funding of security agencies be taken as a priority project while efforts should be geared to create employment opportunity to our teaming unemployed youths.
Senate also resolved that the security agencies should embark on training and retraining of their personnel while also urging state governments to enact laws to aid prosecution of kidnappers.



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