Haunting final text message of woman found hanged in her student house

Haunting final text message of woman found hanged in her student house

Haunting final text message of woman found hanged in her student house
A 21-year-old student committed suicide in mysterious circumstances with friends and family saying that she showed no signs of wanting to kill herself.

Hannah Daibell, a veterinary science student, was found dead in her house in Toxteth, Liverpool, in July, hours after taking cocaine, an inquest was told. Moments before her death, she sent a text message.

The message reads:
Whatever you come home to, you did this.

However, the exact meaning of the message remains unclear. It is believed that she may have been suffering a comedown from the cocaine and may have added to a low mood, depression or anxiety.

Haunting final text message of woman found hanged in her student house

Coroner Andre Rebello said:
The texting could mean anything. It would be wrong for me to speculate.
The metabolite [cocaine]..it may well be that has affected her. Without having taken that she might never have been put in that position.

He recorded an open verdict adding that Hannah’s death by hanging may have been a "cry for help".
He added:
The text may have been alerting someone that she wanted them to come and find her. I know how special she was to her family.



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